Virtual Prayer Room

Pope Francis declaration
of the Year of St. Joseph
Prayers to St. Joseph
Joseph, Guardian of the Pure in Heart
Gentle Joseph, God is captivated by the
quality of your heart. Your entire being is
focused on doing his will. With Mary and Jesus,
you answer the Holy Spirit’s call to build a better world.
With one heart, we join you in saying :
« Here we are, Lord, your will be done!
Your kingdom come nearer to us! »
Keep the hope of a new world alive in our hearts.
Inspire us to speak words of tenderness to awaken
the love of hearts.
May we draw the energy for our actions from the source
of all Love so our faces may shine with the freedom
of the children of God.
Joseph, Model of Labourers
Good Saint Joseph, when God wanted a
family for his Son, He looked among the
labourers, and chose you along with Mary,
demonstrating His esteem for human work.
You put your heart into your work, and share
your workshop with Jesus. Your work, like that
of other humans, found new meaning in the presence
of God.
Sustain us in the hope of finding work when we are
confronted with the desolation of unemployment.
Counsel business leaders to create an equitable
division of labour that is respectful of individuals,
and promotes our growth and happiness.
Help us to perform our work joyfully, conscientiously,
fairly and honestly. Prepare our hearts to recognize
your Son in our colleagues at work.
Joseph, Hope of the Sick
Benevolent Joseph, the Son of God placed
his life in your hands.
With Mary, you cared for Him who is the force of life.
May your compassion enfold our fragility, bringing us
the comfort of the divine presence.
We join with you in prayer, saying :
« Lord Jesus, Son of Living God, say a word for our healing ! »
Make us sensitive to the illnesses of those close to us.
Support our efforts and grant us courage in the fight
against all evil.
Help us to find meaning in God’s great project for humanity
beyond the sicknesses and sufferings that blind our sight.
The love of God be with us, as our hope lies with Him.
Joseph, Protector of the Church
Brave Joseph, collaborator in God’s
project for humanity, your tenderness
enfolds the newborn Church.
Just as Mary and Jesus recognize in you
the protection of the Father, so too does
the community of faith place itself under
your protection.
Strengthen us with the Spirit that filled the
Nazarene home and guide our footsteps on
the road to the Kingdom.
Accompany us in carrying out our mission.
Help us to be lights in the world so that the
family of God may spring forth from humanity
transfigured in Christ.
Grant us the strength to imitate God’s preference
for the poor and weak. Guide us in our pastoral
activities that our actions may be modeled on
the Good News.
Joseph, our Solace in Suffering
Compassionate Joseph, one with us in our human condition,
together with Mary and Jesus you experience exile, hunger
and violence. Refusing vengeance, you choose mercy.
Your forgiveness breaks the circle of violence.
Through your goodness, God’s hope for our humanity is preserved.
Joy is yours, for the Kingdom of God is your inheritance.
Open our compassionate hands in times of war, famine and exile.
Keep us from developing a victim’s mentality, and make our pain a source of growth.
Sustain us in fulfilling our responsibility of cultivating inner peace, joy and serenity.
In your wisdom, counsel us to close all doors to bitterness, so that, watched
over by God, we may dance for joy.
Joseph, Terror of Demons
Courageous Joseph, advised by an angel,
you confront your fears of the unknown.
Your light shines brightly, penetrating the
dark corners of your being. Your fears dispersed,
you rediscover your true face, and actively
participate in the divine project reuniting
mother and Child, and the people with their God.
Together with Mary and Jesus, you dwell in the love
of God.
Help us to rediscover the united core of our identities,
beyond all internal fears.
Counsel us so we may build a better world to welcome
the coming Kingdom.
Shed your light on our inner lives that, freed from the
grip of our fears, our decisions may be founded in Love.
May the face of God shine on us !
Joseph, Mainstay of Families
Attentive Joseph, in Mary and you, the Divine Word
finds a favourable environment in which to carry out
the will of the Father; thus, you become the family of
the Child-God.
In your gentle life together, you experience Love daily.
The unity of your hearts transforms life’s lessons into
growing wisdom and grace.
Open our hearts to the Word that lives within us,
that our actions may bear witness to our connection
to the family of God.
Sustain us in our emotional commitments, where
giving and forgiveness shape our identities.
Grant us your tenderness in the things we do
each day !
Joseph, Patron Saint of the Dying
promise, you peacefully leave this world in Jesus
and Mary’s hands. Your faith transforms death into
the sowing of life; thus, God considers you to be a just
man. Your heart overflows in the presence of the Lord.
With your hands outstretched to God, your night is filled
with prayers. Surrounded by the living, you embark upon
the great march to the promise Land.
Open our eyes that we may glimpse the road to
Life that lies beyond death.
May nothing, not denial, anger, nor depression,
separate us from the Love of God.
Strengthen our faith in God who always finds ways
of preserving us in his friendship.
Be beside us to hold our hands when we take
our first steps toward the Eternal Kingdom.
Turn to me and be gracious to me, for I am lonely and afflicted. Psalm 25:16